Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Family Reaction
Thanks to Nick and Karen for throwing a great 30th birthday bash for Nikki's 30th today, and congrats to Nikki on 30 years (and 30 presents!).
Thanks to Mom and Karyl for being the brains behind the rhyme-theme scheme, to Kyle for the expert announcing, and to Keith for his pre-emptive "oohs and ahhs" after every clue.
Also, for those of you who weren't there, Steph and I announced the coming of the next Van Drunen Clan member- she's due in January of 2009. The video above (again from the cell phone- sorry for the crappy quality) is the family's reaction to the good news.
Grandpa informed me that January is bad planning for tax purposes, and I told him that I'd keep that in mind for next time...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Manny being Manny
Check out Manny Ramirez "high-fiving" a fan DURING a game. I'm not sure if this is awesome or if it represents the decline of our society.
Either way, its' worth a view.
The end of an era
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Gavin Floyd Flirts with a No-Hitter
I went to the Sox game tonight, and watched Gavin Floyd pitch a no-hitter into the 9th inning.
I took this video with my cell phone (hence the crappy quality) but I think it captured some of the atmosphere of the stadium.
Oh- also my brother-in-law got engaged tonight, and our entire family was at the game to celebrate. Not a bad night!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
And he's off!
Well, it's official. Keelan is walking. I think it's official when he makes the conscious decision not to crawl. He's been walking for about two weeks now. And I have to say, I've been finding random objects in random places throughout the house. And I know I'm a new mom, but I couldn't help sharing this!