Friday, January 30, 2009

Dominating the Dojo!

Tuesday night Justin and I tested for and passed to receive our Yellow-tip belts. These are the four of us from our class to take the test. We all passed, even those who didn't know their right from their left. I truly feel like a man! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Sawyer Pics

I just can't stop taking pictures of my daughter. Here's some of my favorites...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Child's Prayer

Just before dinner, Keelan said he wanted to pray.  When I asked him what he was going to pray for, he simply replied, "Presents".  Amazing how an almost-2-year-old is unafraid to ask for anything.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's a Girl: Sawyer Joy Gesch

Hi, family. We've got a little bit of news for you- our beautiful daughter Sawyer Joy Gesch has come into the world. You can check out the pictures and video above, and find her vital stats below (since aparently, all women want to know this information). Thanks for your prayers during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and please keep on-a-prayin' for baby and mom. Both are doing great, and dad is very proud of both of his ladies!

Sawyer Stats:

Name: Sawyer Joy Gesch
Gender: Girl
Birthdate: 1.16.09
Birth time: 2:14 AM
Weight: 8.9 pounds
Length: 21 inches
Hair: Black, and lots of it
Eyes: Currently Blue (though I guess baby's eyes can change color)
Adorability: Off the charts
World Baby Ranking: #1

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Craig's Deployment

Dyke, Karley, Conor, Cole, and myself all made it down to Camp Atterbury to send Craig off today. We attended a had a 20 minute ceremony, then the soldiers were boarding buses to go directly to Fort Dix, New Jersey. The Times newspaper was there and asked us a few questions. Craig gave us orders to keep our answers short, and don't say anything stupid. I think we did okay, because none of us could think of anything to say. The reporter did all the answering, we just agreed with a head nod. Craig also ordered us to keep the good-bye short and simple. I have his address for the next 6 weeks. He said we could write him while training in Fort Dix. The Chief Commander stated that this was one of the most experienced, and qualified units he has seen in the last four years. That was comforting. I know Craig appreciates all your prayers and thoughts for him and he assures us it won't be long and he'll be home again.

The address is:

SPC VanDyke, Craig (0131)
Doughboy Loop, Bld #6038
384th Military Police Company CS
Fort Dix, New Jersey 08640-9001

Also, if you wouldn't mind posting your e-mail addresses, Joan (Dykes sister) is willing to be in charge of organizing "care-package timing", so Craig can receive packages on a timely basis, and not all at once. You can blog them, or e-mail Joan with them @

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

Dear Family,

We wish you all a "Happy New Year." As we enter 2009 we have a lot to be thankful for. We don't know what the future holds but, as the song goes, "We know who holds the future."

We will be leaving for Florida on January 21 (weather permitting) and going to Ft. Myers (239-267-1243) until February 1. Then we will be at the Ponce Inlet Club (386-767-7083 to leave a message) with Hank & Nell De Young until February 28. Dad will fly home for a Synod Meeting on February 23 and fly back on February 24.

Craig is stopping over today for us to meet his friend. Kim e-mailed us to inform us Scott has shingles.

We're all awaiting news of the new baby. We keep Rudi and Stephanie in our prayers as the special day arrives. Grandpa already missed his date for the baby's birth - December 31.

Love to all,

Grandma & Grandpa