Sunday, June 28, 2009

Golf Outing Part 2

More Pics from the Outing. Kathy was so hot in Karyl's pic the sweater came off. But look at the form! Nice work people.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fixing the TV

I recently fixed my 4 year old panasonic flat-screen TV. This is about as "fix-it" as I get.


The fun continues in Wisconsin's NW. Saturday night's dinner was at PAUL'S PIZZA DEN. The dish crew (Eric & Cole) was seen privately "high fivin" since there were no dishes to wash that night. Scott landed an 18" bass on Friday night about 9PM, just as we were heading in. The whole gang fished together in 2 boats Friday afternoon. Wow. No lines were tangled but a few "tree bass" were caught. (Notice son-in-law #1 piloting the big boat.) The boys are carrying out all chores as assigned. Mark and Leb are seen on dish duty here. Saturday night's feature film was "Stand By Me". We all learned a few "new words", in the future all movies must be previewed and approved by Grandma. Cookies and brownies are being enjoyed by all as provided by the #1 daughter-in-law.

Any Golf Outing Pics out there?

Van Fam... I saw quite a few cameras out of the golf course.  Anybody got any to post?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fun in Birchwood

The weather is good, chores have been assigned (Cole and Conor had dish duty tonight), daily reading and evening book reports are in progress (Caleb read and reported on "Brian's Winter", Cole read and reported on "David Livingston - First to cross Africa with the Gospel). Some evening fishing netted a nice Northern Pike (caught by Mike, shown by Eric) and a prize Large Mouth Bass caught by Cole. Lasagna was the main course tonight. A fish fry last night. A good time is being had by all. (My dad and I arrived around noon today to join the fun. We plan to stay until Sunday.)