Tuesday, December 28, 2010

¡Ay, caramba!

With the business of finals and the Christmas season, a big landmark has sort of crept up on me! In just a few weeks I will be on a flight to Spain for a semester abroad. I am participating in Trinity's Semester in Spain program with 15-20 other American college students from various schools. I leave on January 18th and fly back home on May 5th. We will live in the beautiful city of Seville (the center of which you can see above) while we learn Spanish, take in the culture, and visit various other European countries and cities. While I am really nervous to go, especially since I don't know anyone going with me, I can't wait. Since it's mandatory for any student studying abroad to keep a blog, I don't want to let anyone down :) Below is a link to the blog that I will keep. I hope you will check in once in awhile and see what's going on across the Atlantic!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Food

I was thinking this would be a nice central location to coordinate food for the 26th Christmas Party. Cher & Grandma can you tell us what you need? We will bring a dessert if that is o.k.

Thanks Keith & Cher for hosting!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Family Updates

Hard to believe, but Xander's almost 2 weeks old already. He just came back from his check-up and all is well. He's almost back up to his birth weight. He gained 6 oz. this week, which the doctors tell us is better than the typical rate. Here's a few updated pictures.

Oh, and Sawyer has decided that she loves her Christmas present:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Xander Update

So there's lots of good news to update.
  1. Xander's been out of the Newborn Intensive Care Unit for 2 days now, he's breathing and eating great, and doing everything on his own.
  2. His blood platelet counts were up and down, but now have stabilized.
  3. He was jaundiced, but the baby tanning bed took care of that.
  4. There are a couple more things to take care of, but he might be able to come home today!
Thanks for the prayers- here's hoping for more good news as we continue.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Meet Xander!

Glad to announce the latest member of the family- Xander Christian Gesch! He's named after Uncle Alex. Alex Christian Gesch... Xander Christian Gesch.

He was born at 8:45 a.m on December 7th. He was 6 lb, 2 oz. and 18.5 inches long. Due to some pregnancy complications, the doctors recommended that Xander be born at 36.5 weeks (traditional "full" full term is 40 weeks). There was an increased risk of him being stillborn if we waiting until 40 weeks- so you can imagine that we were pretty happy to avoid that risk.

Xander (like apparently most 36 week term babies) was breathing pretty quickly upon being born- so they admitted him to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. From what I can gather, this is primarily as a precaution. He's BY FAR the biggest baby in the NICU and is now breathing really well after one night. The other potential delay is that Xander wasn't able to keep enough food down (another common thing (so they tell me) for 36 week babies). In the pictures, that cord in his nose is a feeding tube to make sure that he gets enough food.

The blessing is that he's in the world, alive and well, and has a team of doctors looking out for him in case anything is wrong. The not-so-nice thing is that we haven't really gotten to see much of him. I was lucky enough to hold him for about an hour last night, but Stephanie has gone almost a full 24 hours without seeing him now. Hopefully we can start to right that ship soon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chicago Tribune Article

SHEBOYGAN, WI. A Wisconsin woman is accused of biting off her husband's tongue as he was giving her a goodnight kiss.

Sheybogan Police says the man in his late 70s called authorities about 11 P.M. Monday, but he was having trouble speaking. An ambulance was dispatched to the house.

Sgt. Terry Meyer says the husband and wife were singing Christmas carols when paramedics arrived. Meyer says the woman, in her late 50s, threw a cup of coffee at him.

The man was taken to Sheboygan hospital and then transferred to Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital in Milwaukee to reattach his tongue. Police say the man didn't want his wife arrested, but she was taken in custody for possible charges of mayhem and domestic violence.
----Associated Press

What is going on in Wisconsin?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

E. Van Drunen Christmas

Keith & Cher have offered to host our "Christmas Celebration" this year - Sunday, December 26. The schedule is to have hors-d'oeuvres at about 1:00 - then have singing and open gifts and have supper at about 4-5 p.m. We also want to show some old slides. We need food for both occasions. We're thinking of sandwiches for supper - maybe sloppy joes - what do you think? Let me know what you want to bring and if you have any additional thoughts. Hope everyone can make it.

Sawyer in the Snow