Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ms Expressive Eats Breakfast

Sawyer is one of the more expressive children you'll meet. This morning, she was particularly happy while she ate her Cherios for breakfast. I basically took my camera while she was eating and just went rapid-fire click-click-click-click to capture her every face that she made. Here is the result.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jason's ordination and graduation party

I sent out an e-vite, but just wanted to be sure that everyone got the invitation to Jason's graduation party and ordination. The ordination is on Wednesday at 7:00 at Faith Dyer. Grandpa is giving Jason's charge. The party is on Saturday, from 2-5 (Open House) at Faith Dyer. Let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Xander's Crawling and Sawyer to the Big Girl Bed

Family update: Xander's crawling (video soon) and starting to pull himself up to standing. Sawyer has just made the transition to her "Big Girl" bed. She loves it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Celebrity Sighting

Besides spending the last week lounging by the pool in Parker Lakes, we've enjoyed a couple trips to the beach, including dinner at the Beached Whale (picture below), ice cream at the Love Boat, night swims at Fantasy Island, shopping trips during a thunderstorm, Bananagrams at the dining room table, and late night stops at Publix...
 Tonight we spotted a celebrity while picking up a couple items to provide breakfast for the next two days......

Even Frank Torino shops at Publix.  Everyone....we witnessed Elvis out of costume...and couldn't believe our eyes....

And to think just nights earlier we were serenaded by him at the Parrot Key...

(and Kim would like to let the sisters know....she got a ring:)
also...Scott-  we miss you! 

VanDrunen Open

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

and we'll have fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the T-Bird away

I know many of you have been waiting for this day and counting down the days on your calendar just as I have been for the arrival of THE BEACH BOYS at the Porter County Fair! They are playing on Saturday, July 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Kristen and I were talking and I believe that their whole family wanted to attend and I will be going for sure, so we wanted to make sure all of you knew that the offer is on the table for whoever would like to join us!!! Even though only 3 of the original boys are alive, they are still just as good:) So let us know so we can buy tickets in the same area!

I need addresses!

Hello, everyone!
I am getting ready to send out jason's evite invitation to his ordination and graduation party, but I don't have everyone's e-mails. Would you send them to me in the comments? I also need them for those who are not married, but aren't living in your parents' household. Also... I need auntie lee and auntie jean's. Thank you!!! If I don't hear from you, consider yourself knocked off the list. J/K!! :)