Saturday, April 28, 2012


It seems someone has hacked into our e-mails.  Do not open any advertisements from us.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Casey has a new address until probably mid-June.  It is...

PVT. Casey Richards
B Company 187 ord BN
2265 Magruder Ave.
Fort Jackson, SC  29207

He will be able to come home in mid July after finishing his airborne training in Georgia and then he will be stationed in Colorado!!!!

Future Plans Update

Hello Family!

Just thought I'd drop in to update you about what I'll be doing for the next two years. I go into more detail at my own blog here if you're interested:

But the short story of it is that I am going to be teaching elementary school (grade still TBD) at a charter school on the west side of the city of Chicago! I am so excited to learn a ton over the next few months about teaching and grown-up life. Woohoo! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring Pictures

It's been a while since I posted a group of family pics. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Yous Kids @ Chicago Fire

Connor, Scott, Mark and I nabbed some pretty sweet tickets to the Chicago Fire vs. Houston Dynamo on Sunday night. The weather was crazy- lots of rain, 2 lightning delays, etc. But the torrential downpours couldn't dampen the spirits of this collection of Yous Kids!

Four good looking soccer fans.

The view from our seats... 5th row! (also, please note the Trinity Christian College Advertisement on the digital ad panels. #TrollNation!

Posing during pregame... when it was still dry.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Yous Kids Gatherings

What a joy to be a part of some great Yous Kids gatherings last week. The annual Easter Egg hunt, always a huge treat. (I think Justin came home with 110 eggs). We also went to Rudi and Stephanie's for dinner last week. While most children are deathly afraid of me and usually brought to tears (a great gift if you're a pastor) my man X loved me. He cried when I left the room! Had to post some proof that there is at least 1 child who likes me.

Great to be with all of you who we saw, missed those who couldn't be there!

Also, Rudi suggested a Yous Kids outing to Extreme Trampoline. Check this out and post your thoughts:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Hello family! I thought I'd fill you in on a few of the fun things Karley, myself, and some of our friends did for spring break a few weeks ago. We road tripped out to Denver, Colorado for a week of visiting our friend Jon (roommate Susan's fiance) and did some hiking, skiing, eating, and exploring in a new (to us) city. We had a fabulous time. Here's a video we took during our day of skiing on Copper Mountain:

And here are a few photos of the sights we saw and the fun times we had. The weather was beautiful all week, so we didn't feel TOO sad for missing the usual destination of Fort Myers this year (although I missed that tan!). It was a great time for our last spring break together as seniors. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Yous Calendar Update?


A lot has happened in this family in the 4+ years since this blog started. That was when we made the Yous Kids calendar for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

The calendar is on the right hand column of the blog. Please take a look at it and if we're missing someone from your immediate family, help me out by posting the correct spelling of their full name, their birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY), etc. You can list these responses as comments to this post.

The same goes for anniversaries, too.
