Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yous Kids Whirly Ball, March 1. Anyone interested?

Yous Kids,

Saturday, March 1st from 1:00-3:00 is an opportunity for Yous Kids.  We're trying to see if there's enough interest for a group reservation to Whirlyball in Lombard, IL.  It's 15 minutes from my home.

The video above or this website here (link) will explain more about this crazy fun time.

Cost would likely be about $25/person.

We're looking for either 10/15/20 people to make it worthwhile and fun for everyone.

SO... who's in?  Any interest in something like this?

This idea spawned from a conversation that Uncle Dike and I had over Yous Kids Christmas.

Comment below if you would be interested.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Prayers for our niece

HI Family,
Our niece Emily Ratliff (Mike's sister Patti's daughter) is 21 years old and has epilepsy.  She has been on a journey through this illness to try and stop or control her seizures.  Medication has helped, but she still experiences seizures.  Surgery is the one option that can give her hope of living an independent life with the ability to drive again and live seizure free.  Emily had a first surgery two weeks ago where doctors implanted leads into her brain to track the origin of her seizures.  Last week she had 4 seizures and the data confirmed that all of the seizures came from the same spot in her brain.  Next Tuesday morning, Jan. 21, (7:30 am) she will have surgery to remove that section of her brain.  She has one of the top neurosurgeons and team of doctors at the University of Chicago Medical Center.  Please join us in praying for Emily; that God would use the team of doctors and nurses and modern medicine to heal her.   Emily has a strong faith in the Lord and appreciates all of our prayers.
Kim & Mike

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We Have a Date!

Just FYI, I got the call after school today that our venue in Sheboygan, Wisconsin is available for us on July 12, 2014. If any of you are early planners, mark it down :)

(Also, if you're interested in checking it out online, both the ceremony and reception will take place at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Greeting

We want to wish all of our family a "Happy New Year".  We look forward to family celebrations:  Grandpa has an 80th birthday, wedding, graduations, Birchwood,  etc.  We are beginning a new year, a wonderful time to refocus our attention on God and His faithfulness.  No matter what we have been through in the past or what lies ahead in our future, God will be faithful.  Let's be thankful that the Creator of this world also created and cares for us.  Proverbs 3:5,6  "Trust in the Lord with all our heart.  Don't lean on our own understanding.  In all our ways acknowledge Him; and He will direct our paths."