Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

Thanks to Karen & Nick (or "NIKAREN" or "KARENIK" as the Illinois drivers know them) for hosting the party yesterday. It's a ton of work, but we all appreciate it. Please mark your calendars for December 2008. We will have a four hour Christmas Family Feud practice from 8 am to noon on the four Saturdays preceding Christmas.


Rudi said...

NIKAREN/KARENIK and KIMIK/MIKIM have to be two of the more creative vanity plates in the state.

Those couples are lucky. We don't have the same deal- RUDEPHANIE/STRUDI don't make very good plates.

alex said...

I'm a RUDEPHOENIE fan - incorporating Pheonix into the plate as well.

Also, very true mom. We cannot allow the Gibsons to remain victorious.

anna said...

i think STRUDI works out better than BRITHY or KATHIAN do...just doesn't seem to click