Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Very Beagle Christmas

Here's Phoenix the Beagle opening his toilet paper present from mom and dad. I thought that it was blog-worthy. Side-note: Phoenix LOVES to eat toilet paper. I have no idea why.

The background audio is a pretty good microcosm of the Gesch family get-togethers.


Grandpa and Grandma VD said...

Rudi - You are unbelievable in what you can do with the computer.

Bailey (Cole's dog) - also eats toilet paper.

Is the one clip of children singing at your church's Christmas program?

Jason DeVries said...

It is a great example of a Gesch family get-together. Although I think all of us could put our name in there and it'd be appropriate.

By-the-way, love that my grandparents blog.

Rudi said...

Grandma- the other clips that are "attached" to this clip (and pop up after it plays) are just related clips that YouTube thinks viewers of MY video will enjoy.

So, I have nothing to do with any clip other than Phoenix's Christmas.

I'm with Jason- Grandparents blogging... what an age we live in!