Monday, June 23, 2008

Team Hoyt - Get out the kleenex box

I just got back from a week as a counselor at Camp Calvin, and while I was there, the speaker showed us this video to correlate with the week's theme of "The Amazing Race." I thought it was so incredible that I needed to share it - there wasn't a dry eye in the house after we watched it.

To give you some context, the video shows Dick Hoyt(65) and his son Rick (43), who has been in a wheelchair his whole life. Rick was almost strangled at birth by his umbilical cord and his parents were told to put him in an institution. Dick and his wife couldn't do that. When Rick could communicate through his computer as a teenager, he told his dad he wanted to enter a 5-mile charity race. Nobody expected them to, but they finished the race. Since then, the duo has completed over 85 marathons and more than 8 ironman triathalons. Dick pushes his son while running, pulls him in an inflatable raft while swimming, and pedals with Rick on the handlebars while biking. It's an incredible picture of a father's love.

1 comment:

Becky said...

i heard about this around the end of the school year, but i never got around to seeing a video of really is amazing