Sunday, July 6, 2008

Calling All Bug Catchers!!!

We just got home from camping at Turkey Run State Park...a weekend full of fun things like kayaking, hiking, campfires, star gazing, swimming...and BUG CATCHING!!! Mark has to do a bug collection for Honors if you see any cool bugs be sure to catch them, put them in a bag or container, and freeze them. (We could especially use some cool butterflies!!!) If you catch any, you can bring them to the Van Drunen Open on August 2!


Becky said...

a bit of's an "insect" collection (NO SPIDERS!!!)

Craig said...

I caught the sweetest looking beetle at work today! But I got 5 bucks for eating it. Just kidding but how do i keep it in good shape for you?

kelly de vries said...

I remember doing my bug project...I hated it! I'll keep my eye out for bugs, though. Keelan is especially interested in them, too, so it could be fun to catch some.

Becky said...

Put it in a ziploc bag or a butter dish and put it in the freezer.

Kathy said...

When Anna was in Junior High, they all had to do a bug collection. I was coaching her volleyball team and the reward for winning a drill was a bug from our freezer. We'll keep our eyes out for some especially scary ones.

Rudi said...

does something with more than 10 legs count as an insect, or do insects by definition have ONLY 6 legs?

We've got some hairy looking bugs in our house that get to be about 3 inches long sometimes... actually about the same size as our baby right now.

Becky said...

they have to have six legs...centipede looking bugs don't count