I am currently giving over the details of conferences and events to a former intern who inquired about possibilities here just as this was happening. (Total God thing!)
I will develop a launch team of Faith members who live near Valpo (about 45 minutes east of Dyer), and current members of WayPoint church. We will find a site, create a volunteer matrix and recruit volunteers, do promotion and everything else needed to launch next Easter, if not before. My job will then be to pastor and lead this congregation.
The Lord's hand has appeared in every detail so far. I am excited for the transformation that will need to happen in me in order for this to happen, the equipping of people who have been on the sidelines and seeing the Lord change lives. Please pray for our family during this time as we have not felt called for Kristin, Anneke, Justin and Kate to make this their church home. (We are planning on worshipping together as a family in Dyer on Saturday nights and me going to "work" on Sunday.)
Did you know Valpo is really close to Kouts....hmmm...Van Drunen's could be involved in the launch of Faith's fourth campus as they were in the first, South Holland location.
(The pic above is where WayPoint currently meets, a former commercial bakery that is 24" concrete at the bottom and 12" at the top. Echoes are unbelievable inside.)
Jim and I had the privilege of being there Sunday to hear Jason preach. Jason did a nice job and it was a good service. Jim could not believe how many people were musically inclined for that small of a group. We used to attend right across the street from there.
On a side note & because I cannot figure out how to post something...
The boys are playing soccer on Thursday, Sept. 18 at Boone Grove High School at 4:30p.m. It had been rained out on Monday.
Actually, myself and the kids are planning on going to the Valpo campus every other weekend. I don't think it's good for our family or our marriage if we're not there at all and can't experience it with him. With the longer commute and the kids, I'm praying about how God wants me to be used.
This is awesome news. Im so excited for Faith to come out to the boondocks. Our music might be a bit more country than the other campuses but either way this is awesome!
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