Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Utero Baby Gesch

Thought I'd share a picture of "In Utero Baby Gesch." The kid is laying on his/her side with a big eye looking directly into the camera.

He/She has his/her dad's propensity to take a creepy picture! :)

Steph's had two different due dates: January 14 and 21... still not sure which is the "right one."

I encourage the family to make some predictions on the gender and date... we'll see who wins.


Scott said...

Very cool Rudi and Steph! I predict a boy born on January 16.

Becky said...

awesome...my prediction: girl born on January 18

anna said...

boy, january 13th!

Jason DeVries said...

For Steph's sake, I'll say January 9, 12:36 p.m. 7 lbs. 9 oz. 21 inches long.

No one else should make a prediction. I think I have the gift of prophecy.

kelly de vries said...

I'm calling boy, January 14, at 7 lb 13 oz and 20 1/2 inches.

Korie said...

That's so exciting! I thinking girl born January 10th!

alex said...

Boy, January 8 born just in time before I have to go back to school. 8 pounds, 9 oz. Name - Christian Alex Gesch.

Craig said...

Im saying boy, Jan 20, but Im gonna step it up by predicting a full, black head of hair.

Grandpa and Grandma VD said...

Grandpa says - boy, December 31, good for taxes.

Grandma says - girl, Janury 27.
Sorry, so late, but the date is special to me.

Rudi said...

I'm going with Boy, born on January 16th. I legitimately do not know the gender- let this count as my official prediction.

Steph has been on record as predicting a girl- no date yet.

Karyl VanDyke said...

I'm going with a girl, born on January 22nd, weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces.

Karen said...

My guess is a girl born on January 21, 7 lbs. 3 oz.