Friday, February 15, 2013

Brian and Keith Hunting Trip

I was fortunate enough to receive this e-mail from Uncle Keith earlier this week.  It's his summary of his recent hunting trip with my dad.  They went to Alabama (I think?).  They hunted deer and wild pigs.  My dad had the best shot of his hunting life and took home a trophy buck.  Uncle Keith walked away with a wild pig and a deer to his credit.

This is (of course) vintage Keith.  I share his e-mail with Yous Kids having received his permission.  I've also included a few pics from my dad's phone.  Enjoy!

Hello Rudi,

Uncle Keith contacting you. (I think this is the first time I have referred to myself as Uncle Keith on paper)

Had a great hunt with your dad a couple of weeks ago. His 300 yard shot on his big deer was quite something. Now both of us can be called deadeyes but for different reasons.

Our biggest mistake of the trip was staying in some seedy motel on the way home to save $29; it was bad- real bad. I only took bare essentials into this room. I piled up my clothes for the next day on top of a table on top of my shoes, thinking all critters weigh something... and due to gravity, "higher is better." Your dad tried to move a table over and it was a setup, it fell apart in his hands. The door was bent and had been kicked in from the outside. My thinking is it should have been kicked out from the inside. The real tipoff should have been there were no other cars in the lot. The only people staying there were construction contractors with trucks. Thinking back on this I believe they get an allowance for staying out of town and get to keep what they save, kind of what Brian and I get from Kathy and Cher. The difference is the contractors go to bed at three A M and get up at Four thirty AM and chiggers take two hours to crawl from the floor up to someone’s body, our timing was off. I crawled into the green sheets (color coded for some reason that I never want to know about) and did not move. I woke up in exactly the same position. I was hoping your dads snoring tone warded off bugs just like a dog whistle works, but then wondered if the ultrasonic waves were sending the mites my way. I firmly believe the carpet was scavenged from other motels throwing out their old carpet, it really did not even have a known color.

If we do this trip again I am thinking the Ritz Carlton in Tupelo Mississippi.

All in all a great time. Rudi please do me a favor and forward this to Alex and Anna.


Kathy said...

I'm still laughing out loud. I'll ask Cher if she'll increase your allowance. Brian needs to do better on his chores if he expects a raise.

Anna said...

The deadeye comment made me cry. So funny!

And I knew dad's snoring would come in handy somehow someday!

alex said...

This is fantastic. Keith should publish wildlife stories - it would be like a Patrick McManus style book. I'm willing to find a publisher if we increase the volume.

Rudi said...

Sawyer saw this post (and pictures). She asked if the black gun was Grandpas. When I said yes, she asked if she could have a pink gun.

I asked her why.

She said, "So I can shoot a baby deer."

I laughed so hard I cried.

Craig said...


Kelly Richards said...

Awesome post.

Karen said...

Keith's stories would be great to publish. Anna could publish her works also. And Kathy could edit...
"Yous Kids Volumes I and II".