Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Changes for the DeVries'

So a couple of changes are happening for our family.  The main one is that we will be transitioning from Faith-Valpo to lead Faith-Highland which is our enfolding of First CRC Highland, a 104 year-old Christian Reformed Church.  You can read the section of my sermon Sunday were I shared of this change by clicking here.

We weren't looking to leave Valpo and are extremely sad to change campuses away from the Van Dyke's.  I also won't be able to be the youth group leader for Caleb & Cole and their friends for their Senior Year, which really bums me out.  However, I know they will all be left in very capable hands.

The other change is that I am going to begin as an Adjunct Professor for Trinity.  All of their Adult Studies programs requires 2 religion classes and I'm going to start teaching for them when my schedule allows.  I figured with all of our Troll connections, I'd better share this soon.  From my first visit their over 30 years ago to teaching there next month, it's been a journey!


Rudi said...

Congrats on the move- and great family pics!

Hope you enjoy Trinity. Get it... HOPE you enjoy Trinity? Sorry. It's been a long day at work.

Becky said...

SO excited for you to be around Trin! You'll have to let me know when your classes are!

Read your sermon the other day when I saw that on Twitter. Praying for you guys with all these changes! Over and over this semester it's been cool to see how God changes my heart to match the plans He has for me...and I love that He's doing that for you guys too.

Kathy said...

Congrats! Hope it's a smooth transition for your family. Who knew that the 1978 sleep-over in North Hall would lead to this?

Anna said...

Love you guys. You rock. Keep it up.