Monday, September 2, 2013

Pray For Room 25

Hey fam! I'm about five weeks into my year of teaching first grade in the city. Last year a lot of you were such blessings in my life by consistently praying for me (I'll never forget Uncle Jim checking in on me at each family gathering). Knowing that I have the support of so many amazing Christian people is humbling. Please keep praying for me of course, but I thought I'd put it out there to the family to send interested people information of how they can pray for my kids too.

Two of my girls buddy reading 
If you are interested in doing this, just comment below and include your email address. I'll send you a class list of only first names and something specific that each kid needs. Let me know and thanks in advance!


Karyl VanDyke said... Would love to!

Karen said... A privilege!

Auntie Lee & Aunt Jean said...
From Aunt Lee

Kelly Richards said...

Great idea. Love being able to do this.

Karley said...
this is a great idea Anna!

KIMIK said...
Your kids have the best teacher!