Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yous Kids Whirly Ball, March 1. Anyone interested?

Yous Kids,

Saturday, March 1st from 1:00-3:00 is an opportunity for Yous Kids.  We're trying to see if there's enough interest for a group reservation to Whirlyball in Lombard, IL.  It's 15 minutes from my home.

The video above or this website here (link) will explain more about this crazy fun time.

Cost would likely be about $25/person.

We're looking for either 10/15/20 people to make it worthwhile and fun for everyone.

SO... who's in?  Any interest in something like this?

This idea spawned from a conversation that Uncle Dike and I had over Yous Kids Christmas.

Comment below if you would be interested.



Scott said...

I'm in!

Becky said...

count me in!

Jason DeVries said...

Kristin and I are in!

Anna said...

I am in! Not sure what Brian's baseball schedule looks like at this point in the year so for him we'll put a "maybe"

Becky said...

kaleb said he'll play too…since he ditched out on christmas and all :)

Mark said...

I would also like to play!

Karyl VanDyke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rudi said...

Dyke and Karyl- you are DEFINITELY allowed. Any/all members of Yous Kids are allowed and welcome. That gives us 10. That's about what we need.

I'll see if I can book it.

Karley said...

Sam and I are in!!

Karley said...

Sam and I are in!!

Unknown said...

I should be able to make it that weekend