Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I'm not sure how many of you are aware, but Anneke has been sick for about 2 months.  She's had a continual headache, stomach aches, and other symptoms.  We've had an MRI, CAT Scan, 2 rounds of blood work, our house checked for mold and Carbon Monoxide, etc.  (A fire truck, two police cars, an ambulance, 4 firefighters later we knew we didn't have Carbon Monoxide.)  Last week we met with a Pediatric Neurologist from Lourie Children's Hospital (Formerly Children's Memorial.)  He believes that the sinus infection and bronchitis she had in early December triggered this continual headache, which is in turn causing these side effects to the headache.  He spent nearly 2 hours with us and prescribed a headache medicine that will hopefully break the cycle of this headache.  We are happy to have a diagnosis that will hopefully lead to healing.  Wanted to keep Yous Kids informed and thank you for the prayers you've offered.
p.s.  She's definitely one of us, she doesn't complain and keeps working hard on all of her responsibilities as she fights through this.


Rudi said...

wow- sorry to hear about this- and glad that there seems to be some track away from the pain.

We'll be praying for you, Anneke.

Craig said...

Stay tough Anneke! You're in our thoughts and prayers

Kathy said...

We're thankful they finally have a diagnosis and will pray for your speedy and complete recovery.

Grandpa and Grandma VD said...

We love you and continue to pray for you.