Thursday, April 24, 2014

Yous Kids Have a Green Thumb

On Saturday Yous Kids went to work on G&G's garden. With a little extra help from Kate (and Jason's) rototilling and Nick's chainsaw, our mission was accomplished. The finished product is the bottom picture. This grueling labor was followed with lunch at Andy's where Dutch bingo was played with several patrons and good conversation was had by all. Also, happy birthday to Korie and Mark!


Grandpa and Grandma VD said...

Scott - thanks for posting the pictures of our work crew and accomplishments. The Village came on Wednesday and picked up our huge pile of twigs, trees, garlic, etc. We planted 3 trees (2 apple and 1 peach)in the garden. Rhubarb, asparagus, and onions are coming up.

Mark said...

Wow, that's great to hear there are new trees planted as well! Glad we could help.