This morning, my friends Jon and Sara and I went to see Mitt Romney's Illinois (Glen Ellyn)stop on his campaign.
It was a pretty cool experience- we were only like 10 feet away from the man. At the end, when he was shaking everyone's hands, I yelled "We love you Mitt!" He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
For those of you registered in IL, the primary is on Tuesday. I'd be happy to talk more specifics with anyone.
Rudi, I'll admit I could use more facts on Romney. I appreciate he opposes immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq, signed pledge not to raise taxes, and supports a federal marriage ammendment defining marriage between one man and one woman.
But I'm concerned that he proclaimed a "Massachusetts Gay/Straight Youth Pride Day" as governor, doesn't oppose laws forcing businesses to favor homosexuality, doesn't oppose an assault weapons ban, and doesn't support a national Human Life ammendment. (Info from the American Family Assoc.)
I'm even more concerned about McCain's stance on these issues. Mike Huckabee is more in line with my views on these issues.
I don't know what Romney & Huckabee plan to do about the Illegal alien issue? healthcare?
Please share, as tomorrow we vote!
Here's what I could gather:
On abortion, Romney is pro-life and would appoint Supreme Court justices that favor a constructionist reading of the Constitution. If a majority of justices adopt this approach, it is very likely that Roe v. Wade would be overruled and the issue would go to the states. Each state could decide whether or not abortion would be legal and what the penalties would be. Romney recognizes that the country is not even close to being ready to support an amendment to the Constitution outlawing abortion. I have heard him say that he would welcome the day that Americans were united enough on this issue for the amendment to be a possibility. However, the best we can hope for is that conservative Presidents stack the court with people that actually read the Constitution instead of making it up as they go.
Romney's stance on illegal immigration can be found here:
On healthcare, Romney favors a free-market, federalist approach to making health insurance more affordable. He favors making healthcare expenditures tax deductible and encouraging states to remove some of the cumbersome regulations. For example, many states REQUIRE your insurance to include coverage for things many people could choose to do without to save money. For example, let's say you have four kids. In many states, your plan is still required to include in vitro treatment, even though a plan without it would be cheaper.
Romney's greatest strength is his experience and leadership in the private sector. He understands economics and how to grow jobs. He will pursue pro-growth policies that strengthen our economy. Huckabee and McCain are more interested in playing a populist, class envy game, decrying the rich for taking "more than their fair share." They want to grow the size of government to even things out, without regard for it's impact on economic growth.
Hope that helps...
Just don't ask the man about the lobbyists in his campaign. It didn't work out well for the A.P. reporter that did.
Now what? Heard he backed out today. I'm impressed, though, with how much you know about your candidate.
Now what? Now I'm a disenfranchised voter. A republican in Illinois (espcially in the year of Barak) doesn't really have that much to be optimistic about anyway.
I really see no candidate that I would vote for. I know it's my "patriotic duty" to vote... but now I'm at a total loss.
Anyone backing any candidate worth anything? I really can't stand McCain. Huckabee isn't my bag. Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance. And (no offense intended to any family members that vote Democrat) I just can't possibly morally justify voting for a pro-choice candidate. This doesn't really leave me with any options.
well i had the flu on tuesday and a snowday on wednesday...let's just say i watched a LOT of the fox news channel.
mccain is pretty close to being a democrat himself, but way ahead of hilary or obama for sure. i'm thinking my very first election as a legal voter will come down to pushing for the lesser of about 5 evils. yikes.
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