Friday, February 22, 2013

Timothy Christian Harlem Shake

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the "Harlem Shake" internet phenomenon.  Here's Timothy Christian's rendition.

I was proud to use my Yous Kids "Groove-genetics" to kick it off.


Karley said...
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Karley said...
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Karley said...
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Karley said...

My computer is being silly, but I've been trying to leave a comment- this is hilarious!

Karen said...

Way to go Rudi, how fun! Definitely groove-genetics... can't wait 'til Karley & Sam's wedding to groove with our family.
By the way, are we going to add a new dance to a new song?

Karley said...

Yes Anna and I thought of another song to make a dance to if everyone is okay with us doing it again

Becky said...

this is awesome hahahaha

Craig said...

Does Elmo even have bones?!

Rudi said...

Yes, Craig. Muppet bones.