Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Calvin vs. Prcs Basketball game true story

Feb 12,2008 Grade school basketball Calvin Christian versus So. Holland Protestant Reformed
Christian School 4:45 start time. The premier Christian school pairing slated for this day in the Chicagoland area. The marquee matchup is Mark VanderZee vs. Eric Van Drunen one on one
at guard position. The stage is set, thirteen seconds remaining in the game. Three points
separate these teams. Both teams have played zone defense all game long. The ball is being taken out under the basket. One of the coaches tells his team to go man to man. His team needs a takeaway. Nothing has to be said. They know this is the moment. They have prepared for
this for the past thirteen years. Van Drunen and VanderZee seek each other out. They are standing chest to chest in the middle of the lane. The other players know their calling and clear out far away from the cousins. The two centers on the teams are bumping into each other away from the ball. The ref gets ready to inbound the ball and warns the players to knock it off. Mark
and Eric are jockeying for position. Every movement has a purpose. Their footwork is phenomenal. It's a game of chess pitting Adidas vs. Nike. Point-counterpoint. Point -counterpoint. A move was made that has not been seen since Pele used that type of footwork via the bicycle kick to redirect a soccer ball into the net. In the sport of basketball games are won away from the ball. And these guys are adding a new chapter to the book. The cousins never saw the ref eyeing them but did hear him exclaim, " I said knock it off. Quit pushing or I'll
call a foul!" He was talking to the guys in the lane -them. At that moment they looked each other in the eye, gave half a smile and realized it doesn't get much better than this. This moment will never be forgotten. The rest of the game played out, it really didn't matter who won. History had been made. At that moment I realized this is blog worthy... Pictures may follow when I have time.
Mr. Keith


Kristin DeVries said...

I feel like I was there!! You should be a sports writer for the Trib, Keith!

Jason DeVries said...

Not only the master of sheet metal, but the words paint a picture worthy of the Louvre. Keith is the man!

kyle said...

Not since Frasier Ali have i heard of such a heavyweight battle. What an epic showdown.

kyle said...
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Kathy said...

It's a little embarassing to be laughing out loud all by yourself, but I can't help it. Great play-by-play, Keith. The Bulls could use you to breath a little life into their commentary. Look out, Dick Vitale!

alex said...

WOW!!! I love it. This was an absolute classic. Whoever had doubts about Keith's blogging ability needs to take another look at reality.

Rudi said...

Outstanding. I find myself wanting more. I look forward to the pictures

Who won by the way? (Is this tacky to ask after the man elevated this game to a level above mere wins and loses?)