Friday, February 28, 2014

Whirly Ball- tomorrow morning! Deets a'plenty!

To all Yous Kids who are playing Whirlyball tomorrow:

  • We are supposed to be IN PLACE and ready to go at 10:45 AM
  • We have (at least) 11:00 AM until noon tomorrow. Depending on how many people show up (and court availability, we may be able to get a 2nd hour.  We'll have to make that call tomorrow.
  • The address is 800 E. Roosevelt Road, Lombard, IL 60148
  • Phone for the place is 630.932.4800
  • My cell is 630.234.8483
  • Don't forget to bring $25 in cash per person.
  • If you need my address... text or call me.  Don't want to post that online.  Steph and I will be leaving our place at 10:15 to make sure we're on time.  If you want to meet at our house first, you can... but we won't be there after 10:15
  • Games are 5 vs. 5, so we'll take turns (again, depending on how many show up).
Looking forward to it- should be a great time!

Monday, February 24, 2014


MARK YOUR CALENDARS - Saturday, June 14, 2014, - 12:00 noon tee time.

We have reserved the River Pointe Golf Course - Hobart, Indiana (same course as the last few years) for our annual family golf outing.  Check-in-time - 11:30 A.M.

Please let us know if you plan to participate ASAP.

If anyone would like to volunteer to form the 4- person teams, let us know.

More details to follow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We're Headed East!

Well, our family is headed east!

We're excited to announce that we've accepted an offer to join up with Eastern Christian School in New Jersey (suburbs of NYC). I'll be serving this school community as their director of Marketing and Admissions. We will move there this summer. 

This announcement likely comes as a surprise to the fam- as even the idea if this was a surprise to our family as well. 

We weren't pursuing something like this- and we initially resisted even the idea because we love our current home, school, church, and location (close to fam, etc) so much. But, as we legitimately considered the opportunity, prayed a lot about it, and sought council from friends and family, it slowly but surely became clear that this adventure was in God's plan for our family's next chapter.

We're of course loaded with emotions- excitement about the opportunity to do something that we've never done before, anxiety over leaving the only area we've ever known as a family. 

For those of you who are either family historians, or are old enough to remember personally... Yes this is the same Eastern Christian School that my mom and dad taught at back in the 80's. In a fun twist of God's sense of humor, my new office (part of an annexed on-campus home that my parents and I used to live in) will be less than 30 feet from where my crib was located when I was a baby! 

We have a million things to do and pray about before we make the move- your prayers are always welcome. And once we're out there, come on out and visit! An NYC trip with free lodging isn't a bad deal- only a 12 hour drive!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Whirly Ball is ON! Saturday, March 1st at 11:00 AM


I have booked us one hour at Whirly ball on the morning of March 1st.  They only had the hours of 11:00-1:00.

I have booked ONE hour... but would really like to book TWO hours with their food package.  That would all be covered in the cost if we had 20 people.

So far, I have 17 people that have expressed interest.  Please confirm your presence ASAP in the comments below:

  • Rudi
  • Stephanie
  • Keith
  • Scott
  • Becky
  • Jason
  • Kristin
  • Anna
  • Brain W.
  • Caleb
  • Mark
  • Karyl
  • Dyke
  • Cole
  • Karley
  • Sam
  • Conor
Cost is $25/person. We need to be at the Lombard, IL Whirly Ball site at 10:45 AM.

We would have room for 3 more if anyone is interested- which would make it worthwhile to get pizza/pop on site.

If your name is listed above, please confirm ASAP.  If your name isn't and you'd like to join us, please add your name to the list.

As mentioned, I've put down the money to reserve one hour, but we could afford 2 hours AND food with 20 people.

Let me know!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Celebrate Elmer James Van Drunen!

All are invited to celebrate Grandpa's birthday on Sunday, February 23 at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Stop by to wish Grandpa Van Drunen a Happy Birthday and enjoy some cake anytime from 2:00 on.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I'm not sure how many of you are aware, but Anneke has been sick for about 2 months.  She's had a continual headache, stomach aches, and other symptoms.  We've had an MRI, CAT Scan, 2 rounds of blood work, our house checked for mold and Carbon Monoxide, etc.  (A fire truck, two police cars, an ambulance, 4 firefighters later we knew we didn't have Carbon Monoxide.)  Last week we met with a Pediatric Neurologist from Lourie Children's Hospital (Formerly Children's Memorial.)  He believes that the sinus infection and bronchitis she had in early December triggered this continual headache, which is in turn causing these side effects to the headache.  He spent nearly 2 hours with us and prescribed a headache medicine that will hopefully break the cycle of this headache.  We are happy to have a diagnosis that will hopefully lead to healing.  Wanted to keep Yous Kids informed and thank you for the prayers you've offered.
p.s.  She's definitely one of us, she doesn't complain and keeps working hard on all of her responsibilities as she fights through this.

Monday, February 10, 2014

I've got all my sisters with me!

Gull Wing Beach for the sunset
Flippers on the Bay
Celebrating Karyl's 50th at Parrot Key with Frank Torino