Saturday, February 14, 2015

Birthday Greetings

Thank you to my wonderful family for the birthday cards and notes sent to me for my 80th birthday.  It was a surprise and greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My one foray into voice acting

Hey family- hope all is well!

Just a quick note from New Jersey. Things are going well out here and the family is adapting nicely to our new surroundings. We've had many visitors from the family already, and I'd like to reiterate an open invitation to anyone who would like to check out the east coast/NYC. Just give us a head's up and we can make it work.

Thought I'd share the video above. It's a new program at Eastern Christian School (where I work). We were looking for someone to do the voice-over work, and the lot fell to me. So (after several takes and an all out effort to make it sound not bad), that's my voice presenting this new program.

Anyway- hope all is well.
