Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Holiday Classic Champs!

Keelan and his team won the Chicago Holiday classic last evening! They went undefeated in the tournament and had to beat a pretty good team twice yesterday. See yous kids at the wedding. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Volunteer Needed

We would like the Christmas Story read from Luke 2:1-20 at our Christmas gathering on December 26 at Keith & Cher's home.  Do we have a volunteer?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Keelan's Hockey Game

Keelan has a hockey game on Sunday December 20th at 5:20pm at Midwest Ice Arena in St John if anyone is interested in coming. This picture was taken after we won the Thanksgiving tournament, all the boys were excited to throw the sticks and gloves in the air. We have had a lot of fun this season and the team is pretty good.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Aunt Lee's Party is at the Heritage Protestant School, not the church.  ( hope this isn't confusing).

Food for Aunt Lee's and Van Drunen Christmas Gatherings

Dear Family,

For those who would like to contribute to our family dinners, the following are needed:

Aunt Lee - Elmer's family - bread & butter, 2 desserts, veggies and dip. (Monday, December 21, at the Protestant Reformed Church, at 6:00 p.m.

Van Drunen family - veggies and dip, 3 appetizers, broccoli salad, taffy apple salad, pretzel salad, 7-up jello, 4 desserts, 2 bags of Lays potato chips, 2 bags of Lays potato chips,  We will serve ham and beef tenderloin sandwiches.  (ham - Elmer, beef - Keith).  Rolls & drinks - Cher.

Please let Georgian know what you will be bringing.  Questions???? - 708-333-5877


Grandma & Grandpa

P.S.  We would like to begin gathering at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 26, at Keith & Cher's home.