Sunday, September 19, 2010

Great news

As some of you know, I've been applying for a clerkship with a federal court of appeals judge for the year following my graduation. This process came to a head last week. Starting at 10 AM on Monday, Judges began calling and sending e-mails and filling up interview slots in rapid succession. Thankfully, I received a few phone calls and was able to interview with four judges.

One of those Judges led me Milwaukee to interview on Friday morning. After a good conversation with the Judge and her clerks, I went home hoping that everything went well. Two hours later, I received a phone call from the Judge offering me a position and I accepted on the spot.

The Judge? Diane Sykes of the 7th Circuit (Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois) Court of Appeals. Her chambers are based in Milwaukee where I will primarily be working, though I will also travel with the Judge on several occasions to Chicago to hear oral arguments. Judge Sykes is a great Judge and I'm really happy to have this opportunity. But don't take my word for it, if you want some more information go ahead and check out the definitive source of all information... Wikipedia.


Kristin DeVries said...

Congratulations, Alex! That's great news - thanks for sharing. I'm sure everyone is happy you'll be in the area, too!

alex said...

This is also good news in case any of Yous Kids want to file a federal lawsuit that will be appealed in a year's time, as it would come within Seventh Circuit jurisdiction.

Jason DeVries said...

Very cool Alex! When she goes to Washington you can be her right-hand man! Finish strong

kelly de vries said...

Congratulations, Alex! Hope it goes well and is an incredible experience for you.

Craig said...

Hey congrats Sal!
Remember how good of cousins we are, yeaaaaa I kind of need to get rid of a warrant for my arrest..... haha But congrats and hope all goes well.

Grandpa and Grandma VD said...

Congratulations - Alex. The fact that you are based in Milwaukee you might be able to come up here to Birchwood next year. We are heading back home tomorrow. We expect to be in Cedar Grove tomorrow night. How close is this to the Supreme Court?

alex said...

This is the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Federal cases start in a Federal District Court, then if appealed in Wisconsin, Illinois, or Indiana go to the Seventh Circuit, then if appealed and accepted, to the U.S. Supreme Court.

anna said... one stop before the Supreme Court?

Kelly Richards said...

Congratulations Alex! Great news.