Monday, October 4, 2010

Imitation, greatest form of flattery

Last Friday, Kristin & I had the privilege of attending Trinity's "Jubilation" to hear our friend Kurt Schemper speak on life as a television producer. (He produces A&E's Intervention). The big question was, "What do I wear?" Not for Kristin, but for me. Digging back into the far recesses of my mind I recalled an outfit one of Trinity's most prestigious alums and decided to copy it. Here is what I wore:


Kathy said...

Love it! And I like the new "do" also.

alex said...

HA! This is brilliant. Very happy to serve as the inspiration. I assume when everyone asked "the" question at Jubilation ("who are you wearing"), you were able to have a solid answer.

Rudi said...


LOL!! (And I never lol).

If we ever get around to a VanFam Halloween party, you two should go as twins.

Grandpa and Grandma VD said...

We also attended the Jubilee at Trinity - but on Saturday evening. We didn't know you knew the speaker. Then grandpa remembered him from attending Faith at one time. We thought his presentation was supurb. You kids are so "over the top".