Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chicago Tribune Article

SHEBOYGAN, WI. A Wisconsin woman is accused of biting off her husband's tongue as he was giving her a goodnight kiss.

Sheybogan Police says the man in his late 70s called authorities about 11 P.M. Monday, but he was having trouble speaking. An ambulance was dispatched to the house.

Sgt. Terry Meyer says the husband and wife were singing Christmas carols when paramedics arrived. Meyer says the woman, in her late 50s, threw a cup of coffee at him.

The man was taken to Sheboygan hospital and then transferred to Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital in Milwaukee to reattach his tongue. Police say the man didn't want his wife arrested, but she was taken in custody for possible charges of mayhem and domestic violence.
----Associated Press

What is going on in Wisconsin?


Kathy said...

I know this couple. They are volleyball refs. I talked to Karen during volleyball season because she was looking for a sub. She said they were done with reffing and she was very stressed out trying to take care of her mother. She's really a sweet person. They say she had a psychotic breakdown. So it's really a sad situation.

Rudi said...
