Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Van Drunen Golf Outing

We are trying to come up with a golf date that most of our family can attend. Now we are looking at Saturday, June 18. We have to contact the golf course yet, but want to nail down a date first. Please let us know as soon as possible if this date works for you....Grandma & Grandpa Van Drunen


kelly de vries said...

I'm pretty sure this works for us. I don't see anything on our calendar yet.

alex said...

Unfortunately, I don't imagine getting back to the area with time to do anything until after July 27. But after that I think I might be going cross country on a series of trips until I have to start work - so don't plan around me.

Rudi said...

I'm in. Steph is not... though my whole fam will be there for the BBQ

Kristin DeVries said...

That works for us!

Karyl VanDyke said...

I think it will work for us. Craig might not be home and Karley will be in a shoulder sling, so don't count on them.